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We are a global management consultancy that delivers exceptional outcomes and sustainable change

Case Studies

Achieving Operational Excellence in the Hydroelectric Industry

March 19, 2023 | No related items found.

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The hydroelectric industry, which generates electricity using the power of moving water, is a significant player in the global energy sector. Effective maintenance and management are key success factors for hydroelectric power plants.

As with any other type of power plant, hydroelectric facilities require regular maintenance and management to ensure they operate at peak efficiency, so that they can continue to generate power reliably and sustainably over the long term as a vital source of clean and renewable energy.

Our Client is a Peak Electricity provider for the National Energy Market in Australia. Primarily a Financial Risk Management company, it has a different business model than other power generators. The Company owns and operates a 3950 megawatt (MW) integrated water and hydro-electric power project and two gas fired power stations with a total output of 620MW.


Renoir was invited to identify opportunities to increase the available MW generation hours of the hydro and gas units to take advantage of spot market pricing. The challenge was to create a uniform Management Control System across the powerplants and improve maintenance planning and review processes, and decrease the duration of planned outage maintenance activities.


The project was governed by the client via Management Action Teams (MATs) and a Steering Committee, who were charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the project developed and delivered sustainable solutions.

During the Focus Process™, role observations, inventory studies, sequence questionnaires and work order studies were carried out, highlighting opportunities in the following areas:


Maintenance process misaligned with the current business structure


No common maintenance process across the powerplants


No clear accountability of maintenance system and stock management processes


No centralised planning of work to fit within a maintenance delivery plan


Inadequate tools (Plan, Schedule, Critical Path Maps, Short Interval Control) to support and organise their workforce


Limited understanding of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) that structures the Work Order Process


No visibility of data


A Management Control System (MCS) was implemented in the business. The role of a Management Control System (MCS) is to help achieve strategic goals by providing a structured approach to managing operations and resources.

It provides managers with timely and accurate information about the organization’s performance and helps the Client enforce daily, weekly and monthly KPI reviews, with investigations and actions generated to address any exceptions. The MCS creates consistent measurements in each region, allowing for central control.

The following solutions were developed in response to the opportunities identified during the Focus Process™:


Management Control System to enhance maintenance delivery


Critical Path Mapping to ensure timely delivery of outages


Work and Resource Based Schedules


Uniform scheme Key Performance Indicators


Root Cause Analysis process to identify and eliminate variance


Cycle Counting to ensure availability of spares and materials


Short Interval Control tools to enhance active supervision


Enhanced Production and Maintenance Planning systems and practices to link business objectives and strategies to work execution.

These solutions were developed and implemented with the collaboration of the MATs, the Steering Committee, various operational stakeholders, and departments.

Involving all stakeholders in solution development leads to more effective implementation outcomes. Staff members provide valuable insights into potential solutions. It increases engagement and ownership of the solution, leading to a more productive and successful implementation and a stronger, more collaborative workplace.

The Client was supported throughout the implementation phase to ensure that full adoption of the new ways of working was measured and achieved.


Working with the Client, Renoir achieved the following results at the end of the project:


Average reduction of Class 1,2 & 3 Outage durations through installation of Critical Path Mapping

55% to 84%

Increase in Monthly Plan Attainment

2% to 13%

Increased Active Supervision

80% to 98%

Increase in Stock Accuracy

Production efficiencies improved by


Production efficiencies improved by


Ellipse training across all regional employee levels

Ellipse training across all regional employee levels

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In conclusion, the Client and Renoir collaboration improved processes, procedures, roles, and responsibilities of the planning and maintenance functions, and achieved impressive results.

This successful transformation program enabled the Client to decrease its outage hours. The implementation of best market practices for maintenance in a structured way achieved sustainable improvements with full adoption. In addition, the Client now has all the tools to manage and continuously improve their operations.

The substantial increase in operational excellence has made a major contribution in supporting the company in a competitive industry.

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